Thursday, November 27, 2008

This is our animax!
Picture 1: opening of thriller. A close up shot of a table with blue prints, pictures, a gun, a piece of paper with information on it, binoculars.
Picture 2: A wide shot of the actors around the table with one of them which is the leader of the three pointing to and object. Then a close up of the picture which is a location
Picture 3: The picture fades into the real location, with the leader walking towards the entrance.
Picture 4: The screen returns to the three actors around the table, this time the leader points to some blue pints.
Picture 5: Zoom up on the blue pints which show the floor plans to the location. The plans are for the ground floor.
Picture 6: The blue prints fades into the ground floor of the location. the camera is the leaders eyes and in the view is a guard looking at the leader.
Picture 7: A camera shot of a security camera.
Picture 8: Another shot of the actors around the table, one of the actors asks a question.
Picture 9: A zoom up shot of a mobile being swiped over by a magnet, something happens to the phone.
Picture 10: An actor asks what the target is, the leader points to a picture which is zoomed up on.
Picture 11: The picture fades into the real thing, so we return to the location.
Picture 12: Leader is standing near the "target" the guard is standing closer to the camera than the leader.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

location 2
We have chosen this location because we need a dark room for some of our scenes and this is the best place we could find.

one of our main locations of our thriller project
We have chosen to use the Fitzwilliam as our main location because it is easy to get to and will fit our thriller idea very well.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

initial ideas
Heist opening scene.

props: maps, blueprints, pictures, notes, equipment, weapons etc.

shots: magnet wiping electrical device, closeup of props, outside of museum/blueprint fade, shots of inside museum/note taking, shots of computer "hacking"

locations: lloyds bank (the fancy one) fitzwilliam museum, a dark room with a table, streets

This student thriller opening follows the conventions of the genre through themes of voyeurism and possible murder. The girl is followed around the woods and the viewer sees her through the lens of a camera, indicated through the effects on screen. The mise en scene creates a suspenseful atmosphere, as forests are often associated with getting lost, and is often the setting for horror and thriller films. However, this dark atmosphere is contrasted by the girl laughing and playing with leaves, which helps to set up an enigma regarding how the girl dies. The piano sound is creepy, albeit stereotypical of the genre, and the screeching noise interrupting when the colour changes emphasizes the fact that something bad is happening.

Monday, November 17, 2008

panic room sequence analysis

The opening thriller sequence we pick is Panic Room. We pick this because it is unconventional, in the thriller genre. The sequence is very minimalistic, it show large letters suspended in a New York cityscape. There is a contrast with the unsettling music and the billboard depicting a couple embracing. There is further contrast in the open atmosphere as the film itself is claustrophobic in its nature. There is also subtle indication of suspension yet to come. The extreme long-shots establish how built up and confusing a metropolis can be tied in with the title "Panic Room". The letters are reflected in the windows to create the illusion that the letters are actually there.